I'm a self taught natural light photographer who specializes in senior photography. I'm located in the beautiful state of Idaho. I am a mom of three beautiful children, and a "Hama" to six grandchildren. I love being with my family, movie watching, traveling, reading, quilting, and (most of all) watching football.....especially the Boise State Broncos!

Here are some random things about me:

*My favorite drink: Blended caramel macchiato, no whip or Diet Coke/Pepsi

*What sports did you play in high school: In Junior High I played volleyball, track and was a cheerleader. In high school I gave up on volleyball/track and focused on cheerleading. It was my life! I was suppose to try out for ISU cheer squad after graduation, but gave up on that due to life circumstances. One piece of advice- never give up on what you are passionate about!

*Dream job growing up: Nurse....but I am not a fan of needles!

*Biggest fears: In no particular order- Snakes, heights, flying, tornados and sink holes

*Most unusual thing you have eaten: Cows tongue. This was not willingly or knowingly!

*First job: Well, besides babysitting I worked at a Y-bar Café down the road from where I lived at the age of 15. I loved that job! I did everything from serving food, cooking, cleaning and closing! Most times I worked evening shift by myself. I thought it was pretty cool that they would trust a teenager like that! There was a bar attached in the back of the building, so if I ever ran into trouble, or needed help people were there.

*Favorite smells: Lilacs, babies, coffee, rain, fresh cut grass, and a freshly bleach cleaned room!

*Favorite Season: Hands down summer!! I love the heat!